- 1. kickstart_addactivationkeys
- 2. kickstart_addchildchannels
- 3. kickstart_addcryptokeys
- 4. kickstart_addfilepreservations
- 5. kickstart_addoption
- 6. kickstart_addpackages
- 7. kickstart_addscript
- 8. kickstart_addvariable
- 9. kickstart_clone
- 10. kickstart_create
- 11. kickstart_delete
- 12. kickstart_details
- 13. kickstart_diff
- 14. kickstart_disableconfigmanagement
- 15. kickstart_disableremotecommands
- 16. kickstart_enableconfigmanagement
- 17. kickstart_enablelogging
- 18. kickstart_enableremotecommands
- 19. kickstart_export
- 20. kickstart_getcontents
- 21. kickstart_getsoftwaredetails
- 22. kickstart_getupdatetype
- 23. kickstart_import
- 24. kickstart_import_raw
- 25. kickstart_importjson
- 26. kickstart_list
- 27. kickstart_listactivationkeys
- 28. kickstart_listchildchannels
- 29. kickstart_listcryptokeys
- 30. kickstart_listcustomoptions
- 31. kickstart_listoptions
- 32. kickstart_listpackages
- 33. kickstart_listscripts
- 34. kickstart_listvariables
- 35. kickstart_removeactivationkeys
- 36. kickstart_removechildchannels
- 37. kickstart_removecryptokeys
- 38. kickstart_removefilepreservations
- 39. kickstart_removeoptions
- 40. kickstart_removepackages
- 41. kickstart_removescript
- 42. kickstart_removevariables
- 43. kickstart_rename
- 44. kickstart_setcustomoptions
- 45. kickstart_setdistribution
- 46. kickstart_setlocale
- 47. kickstart_setpartitions
- 48. kickstart_setselinux
- 49. kickstartsetupdatetype
- 50. kickstart_updatevariable
The following spacecmd functions are available for use with kickstart.
1. kickstart_addactivationkeys
Add activation keys to a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_addactivationkeys PROFILE <KEY ...>
2. kickstart_addchildchannels
Add a child channels to a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_addchildchannels PROFILE <CHANNEL ...>
3. kickstart_addcryptokeys
Add cryptography keys to a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_addcryptokeys PROFILE <KEY ...>
4. kickstart_addfilepreservations
Add file preservations to a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_addfilepreservations PROFILE <FILELIST ...>
5. kickstart_addoption
Set an option for a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_addoption PROFILE KEY [VALUE]
6. kickstart_addpackages
Add packages to a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_addpackages PROFILE <PACKAGE ...>
7. kickstart_addscript
Add a script to a Kickstart profile.
usage: kickstart_addscript PROFILE [options]
-e EXECUTION_TIME ['pre', 'post']
-c execute in a chroot environment
8. kickstart_addvariable
Add a variable to a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_addvariable PROFILE KEY VALUE
9. kickstart_clone
Clone a Kickstart profile.
usage: kickstart_clone [options]
10. kickstart_create
Create a Kickstart profile.
usage: kickstart_create [options]
-v VIRT_TYPE ['none', 'para_host', 'qemu', 'xenfv', 'xenpv']
11. kickstart_delete
Delete kickstart profiles.
usage: kickstart_delete PROFILE usage: kickstart_delete PROFILE1 PROFILE2 usage: kickstart_delete "PROF*"
12. kickstart_details
Show the details of a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_details PROFILE
13. kickstart_diff
List differences between two kickstart files.
14. kickstart_disableconfigmanagement
Disable configuration management on a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_disableconfigmanagement PROFILE
15. kickstart_disableremotecommands
Disable remote commands on a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_disableremotecommands PROFILE
16. kickstart_enableconfigmanagement
Enable configuration management on a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_enableconfigmanagement PROFILE
17. kickstart_enablelogging
Enable logging for a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_enablelogging PROFILE
18. kickstart_enableremotecommands
Enable remote commands on a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_enableremotecommands PROFILE
19. kickstart_export
Export kickstart profiles to json formatted file.
usage: kickstart_export <KSPROFILE>... [options]
-f outfile.json : specify an output filename, defaults to <KSPROFILE>.json
if exporting a single kickstart, profiles.json for multiple
kickstarts, or ks_all.json if no KSPROFILE specified
e.g (export ALL)
Note : KSPROFILE list is optional, default is to export ALL
20. kickstart_getcontents
Show the contents of a Kickstart profile as they would be presented to a client.
사용법: kickstart_getcontents LABEL
21. kickstart_getsoftwaredetails
Gets kickstart profile software details.
usage: kickstart_getsoftwaredetails KS_LABEL usage: kickstart_getsoftwaredetails KS_LABEL KS_LABEL2 ...
22. kickstart_getupdatetype
Get the update type for a kickstart profiles.
usage: kickstart_getupdatetype PROFILE usage: kickstart_getupdatetype PROFILE1 PROFILE2 usage: kickstart_getupdatetype "PROF*"
23. kickstart_import
Import a Kickstart profile from a file.
usage: kickstart_import [options]
-v VIRT_TYPE ['none', 'para_host', 'qemu', 'xenfv', 'xenpv']
24. kickstart_import_raw
Import a raw Kickstart or AutoYaST profile from a file.
usage: kickstart_import_raw [options]
-v VIRT_TYPE ['none', 'para_host', 'qemu', 'xenfv', 'xenpv']
25. kickstart_importjson
Import kickstart profiles from json file.
사용법: kickstart_import <JSONFILES...>
26. kickstart_list
List the available Kickstart profiles.
사용법: kickstart_list
27. kickstart_listactivationkeys
List the activation keys associated with a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_listactivationkeys PROFILE
28. kickstart_listchildchannels
List the child channels of a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_listchildchannels PROFILE
29. kickstart_listcryptokeys
List the crypto keys associated with a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_listcryptokeys PROFILE
30. kickstart_listcustomoptions
List the custom options of a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_listcustomoptions PROFILE
31. kickstart_listoptions
List the options of a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_listoptions PROFILE
32. kickstart_listpackages
List the packages for a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_listpackages PROFILE
33. kickstart_listscripts
List the scripts for a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_listscripts PROFILE
34. kickstart_listvariables
List the variables of a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_listvariables PROFILE
35. kickstart_removeactivationkeys
Remove activation keys from a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_removeactivationkeys PROFILE <KEY ...>
36. kickstart_removechildchannels
Remove child channels from a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_removechildchannels PROFILE <CHANNEL ...>
37. kickstart_removecryptokeys
Remove crypto keys from a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_removecryptokeys PROFILE <KEY ...>
38. kickstart_removefilepreservations
Remove file preservations from a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_removefilepreservations PROFILE <FILE ...>
39. kickstart_removeoptions
Remove options from a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_removeoptions PROFILE <OPTION ...>
40. kickstart_removepackages
Remove packages from a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_removepackages PROFILE <PACKAGE ...>
41. kickstart_removescript
Add a script to a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_removescript PROFILE [ID]
42. kickstart_removevariables
Remove variables from a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_removevariables PROFILE <KEY ...>
43. kickstart_rename
Rename a Kickstart profile
사용법: kickstart_rename OLDNAME NEWNAME
44. kickstart_setcustomoptions
Set custom options for a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_setcustomoptions PROFILE
45. kickstart_setdistribution
Set the distribution for a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_setdistribution PROFILE DISTRIBUTION
46. kickstart_setlocale
Set the locale for a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_setlocale PROFILE LOCALE
47. kickstart_setpartitions
Set the partitioning scheme for a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_setpartitions PROFILE
48. kickstart_setselinux
Set the SELinux mode for a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_setselinux PROFILE MODE
49. kickstartsetupdatetype
Set the update type for a kickstart profiles.
usage: kickstartsetupdatetype [options] KS_LABEL
-u UPDATE_TYPE ['red_hat', 'all', 'none']
50. kickstart_updatevariable
Update a variable in a Kickstart profile.
사용법: kickstart_updatevariable PROFILE KEY VALUE