
Organizations are used to manage user access and permissions within SUSE Manager.

For most environments, a single organization is enough. However, more complicated environments might need several organizations. You might like to have an organization for each physical location within your business, or for different business functions.

When you have created your organizations, you can create and assign users to your organizations. You can then assign permissions on an organization level, which applies by default to every user assigned to the organization.

You can also configure authentication methods for your new organization, including PAM and single sign-on. For more information about authentication, see Authentication Methods.

You must be logged in as the SUSE Manager administrator to create and manage organizations.

Procedure: Creating a New Organization
  1. In the SUSE Manager Web UI, navigate to Admin  Organizations, and click Create Organization.

  2. In the Create Organization dialog, complete these fields:

    • In the Organization Name field, type a name for your new organization. The name should be between 3 and 128 characters long.

    • In the Desired Login field, type the login name you want to use for the organization’s administrator. This must be a new administrator account, you are not be able to use an existing administrator account to sign in to the new organization, including the one you are currently signed in with.

    • In the Desired Password field, type a password for the new organization’s administrator. Confirm the password by typing it again in the Confirm Password field. Password strength is indicated by the colored bar beneath the password fields.

    • In the Email field, type an email address for the new organization’s administrator.

    • In the First Name field, select a salutation, and type a given name for the new organization’s administrator.

    • In the Last Name field, type a surname for the new organization’s administrator.

  3. Click Create Organization.

1. Manage Organizations

In the SUSE Manager Web UI, navigate to Admin  Organizations to see a list of available organizations. Click the name of an organization to manage it.

From the Admin  Organizations section, you can access tabs to manage users, trusts, configuration, and states for your organization.

Organizations can only be managed by their administrators. To manage an organization, ensure you are signed in as the correct administrator for the organization you want to change.

1.1. Organization Users

Navigate to the Users tab to view the list of all users associated with the organization, and their role. Clicking a username takes you to the Users menu to add, change, or delete users.

1.2. Trusted Organizations

Navigate to the Trusts tab to add or remove trusted organizations. Establishing trust between organizations allow them to share content between them, and gives you the ability to transfer clients from one organization to another.

1.3. Configure Organizations

Navigate to the Configuration tab to manage the configuration of your organization. This includes the use of staged contents, and the use of SCAP files.

For more information about content staging, see Content Staging.

For more information about OpenSCAP, see OpenSCAP.

2. Manage States

Navigate to the States tab to manage Salt states for all clients in your organization. States allow you to define global security policies, or add a common admin user to all clients.

For more information about Salt States, see Salt States and Pillars.

2.1. Manage Configuration Channels

You can select which configuration channels should be applied across your organization. Configuration channels can be created in the SUSE Manager Web UI by navigating to Configuration  Channels. Apply configuration channels to your organization using the SUSE Manager Web UI.

Procedure: Applying Configuration Channels to an Organization
  1. In the SUSE Manager Web UI, navigate to Home  My Organization  Configuration Channels.

  2. Use the search feature to locate a channel by name.

  3. Check the channel to be applied and click Save Changes. This saves to the database, but does not apply the changes to the channel.

  4. Apply the changes by clicking Apply. This schedules the task to apply the changes to all clients within the organization.