Upgrade introduction

Updated: 2025-03-24

SUSE Manager has three main components, all of which need regular updates. This guide covers updating the SUSE Manager Server, Proxy, and clients, as well as some underlying components, such as the database.

It is possible to automate some of the upgrades, but others need to be performed manually.

This guide is not intended to be read cover to cover. Instead, navigate to the component you want to upgrade, then identify the versions you are upgrading from and to.

SUSE Manager uses an X.Y.Z versioning schema. To determine which upgrade procedure you need, look at which part of the version number is changing.

The version numbers below are just examples. Do not understand them as most recent available options. SUSE uses these numbers for illustrative purposes only.

Major Version Upgrade (X Upgrade)

Major upgrade is usually an upgrade from X.Y to X+1.0 or to X+1.1, where Y is the latest minor version of the X series. For example:

  • From version 3.2 to 4.0 or to 4.1 (upgrading directly from 3.2 to 4.2 or later is not supported).

Minor Version Upgrade (Y Upgrade)

Minor upgrade refers to upgrading to the next minor version, from X.Y to X.Y+1. This is often referred to as a product migration, service pack migration, or SP migration. For example:

  • From 4.2 to 4.3.

You always upgrade from and to the latest patch level of the minor version.

For example, from 4.2.12 to 4.3.8, or newer.

Patch Level Upgrade (Z Upgrade)

Upgrading within the same minor version. This is often referred to as a maintenance update or MU. For example:

  • From 4.3.7 to 4.3.8.

If you are upgrading the SUSE Manager Server, see Upgrade the Server.

If you are upgrading the SUSE Manager Proxy, see Upgrade the Proxy.

If you are upgrading clients, see Client Upgrades.

In addition to upgrading the server, you need to upgrade other underlying technologies, including the database. For more information about upgrading the database, see Upgrade the Database.