Subscription Matching

The Audit  Subscription Matching section provides reports that match your currently installed clients to your existing product subscriptions. Subscription matching reports provide information about clients that do not have a subscription, and subscription start and end dates.

Table 1. Subscription Matching Options
Column Description

Part Number

Identifier of the matched product


Description of the matched product


The type of subscription matched to the product


The number of clients currently using the subscription, of the total available. If the subscription is fully matched, the quantity column value is highlighted.

Start Date

Start date of the subscription

End Date

End date of the subscription

Table entries are highlighted if they are due to expire within three months. Table entries that have already expired are shown in grayscale.

For messages relating to subscription matching, navigate to the Messages tab.

Table 2. Subscription Matching Messages
Message Type Description Action

Unsupported part number detected


The detected part number is unknown or unsupported.

Call SUSE support and open a Service Request ticket to have the part number added to the product.

Physical system is reported as virtual guest, please check hardware data


A client is reporting as virtual, but could be a physical client.

Check the client hardware data.

Virtual guest has unknown host, assuming it is a physical system


A virtual client has an unknown host. During the matching process, it was treated as a physical system. This might translate into a wrong subscription assignment.

Check the virtual host manager (VHM) configuration to ensure it is reporting correctly. For Linux-based hosts using libvirt, check that the host is registered, and that the virtual host system type is set correctly.

System has an unknown number of sockets, assuming 16


Unable to determine how many CPUs a client has. SUSE Manager used the default value of 16 CPUs every time the number was relevant for matching a subscription. This might translate into a wrong subscription assignment.

Schedule a hardware refresh on this client.

Two subscriptions with the same part number are in a bundle


Two subscriptions were identified to be part of a bundle and, as result, they were merged together during the computation process.

No actions needed.

Two subscriptions with the same part number (and other properties) have been merged together


Two subscription shared multiple common properties and they were merged together during the computation process.

No actions needed.

Pinned match adjusted due to merged subscriptions


A user defined pin was updated since the chosen subscription was merged with another one.

No actions needed.

Subscription with unsupported part number and no associated product has been ignored.


An unknown subscription without any associated product has been detected and it was ignored during the matching process.

No actions needed.

To pin clients to a particular subscription, navigate to the Pins tab.

Table 3. Pin Statuses
Status Description


The client and subscription were matched correctly.

Not satisfied

The client was not successfully matched with a subscription.

Pending next run

Waiting for the next matcher run.

For more information about subscription matching, see Subscription Matching.