Upgrade Uyuni Clients

Table of Contents

In this section, we use openSUSE Leap as an example.

1. Prepare to Upgrade

Procedure: Preparing the Client Upgrade
  1. At the command prompt on the SUSE Manager Server, as root, use the spacewalk-common-channels command to add the appropriate channels.

    spacewalk-common-channels \
    opensuse_leap15_4 \
    opensuse_leap15_4-non-oss \
    opensuse_leap15_4-non-oss-updates \
    opensuse_leap15_4-updates \
  2. Fully synchronize all channels with spacewalk-repo-sync. In case of already defined repository URLs, continue with installation-and-upgrade:proxy-uyuni.adoc#uyuni-202007-channeldupes.

  3. In the SUSE Manager Server Web UI, navigate to Software  Manage  Channels and click the Uyuni Client Tools for openSUSE Leap 15.4 (x86_64) channel name.

  4. In the upper right corner, click Manage Channel.

  5. Click the Repositories tab, and select External - Uyuni Client Tools for openSUSE Leap 15.3 (x86_64).

  6. Click Update Repositories.

  7. Navigate to Repositories  Sync subtab, and click Sync Now.

  8. Do the same with openSUSE Leap 15.4 (x86_64) and External - openSUSE Leap 15.3 (x86_64).

Unfold openSUSE Leap 15.4 (x86_64) to see all child channels populated with packages.

2. Upgrade

To upgrade a client you replace the software repositories and update the software, and finally reboot the client.

Procedure: Upgrading the Client
  1. In the SUSE Manager Server Web UI, navigate to Systems and click the name of the client.

  2. Click Software  Software Channels, and as the base channel select the openSUSE Leap 15.5 channel that is listed in the Customs Channels list.

  3. In the Child Channels pane, select the 15.5 child channels.

  4. Click Next, and Confirm Software Channel Change with Confirm.

  5. Click Software  Packages  Upgrade, and select all the packages to be updated on the client, and then apply the selection. Click Upgrade Packages, check the details, and click Confirm to complete the update.

  6. Reboot the client.

If you need to update many clients, you can create an action chain of this command sequence on the SUSE Manager Server. You can use the action chain to perform updates on multiple clients at the same time.