Troubleshooting spacecmd

This section provides troubleshooting solutions when working with spacecmd

1. Creating a distribution wiere spacecmd sets localhost instead of FQDN


When creating a distribution with spacecmd it will automatically set localhost as the server name instead of the FQDN of SUSE Manager. This will result in the following kernel option being written:


Set the FQDN in $HOME/.spacecmd/config like the following:

test:~/.spacecmd # cat config


This problem may be experienced if $HOME/.spacecmd/config has been created and the server name option was set to localhost.

2. spacecmd not accepting commands or options

When running spacecmd non-interactively:

  • you must escape arguments passed to the command.

  • always put -- before arguments, to avoid them being treated as global arguments.

  • make sure you escape any quotes that you pass to the functions so that they are not interpreted.

An example of a well-formed spacecmd command:

spacecmd -s server1 -- softwarechannel_create -n \'My Channel\' -l channel1 -a x86_64

3. spacecmd caching problems

The spacecmd command keeps a cache of the various systems and packages that you have installed. Sometimes, this can result in a mismatch between the system name and the system ID.

To clear the spacecmd cache, use this command:

spacecmd clear_caches