Troubleshooting Container with Full Disk Event

In case a dedicated disk mounted as a persistent storage medium of a container runs out of storage space, an emergency action is needed.

Proceed as follows to solve the problem with resizing the storage medium.

Procedure: Resize Storage Medium
  1. Increase the disk (for example, /dev/vdb) size. For example, if the disk is a QCOW2 image, use the command qemu-img resize.

  2. Ensure the partition uses all available space:

    • open a shell in the container using mgrctl term.

    • sudo parted /dev/vdb

    • (parted) print

    • (parted) resizepart NUMBER 100% where NUMBER is the partition number shown by print command (for example, 1 if /dev/vdb1)

    • (parted) quit

  3. Resize the filesystem. For example, for an XFS filesystem run in a shell inside the container:

    sudo xfs_growfs /dev/vdb1

After completing the procedure, an XFS filesystem on /dev/vdb1 should be using all space available on the disk.