Server Setup
Procedure: Log in and Update the System
SSH into your AWS instance.
Switch to the root user and update the system.
sudo -i transactional-update
Reboot the system.
Configure storage with the
tool or in the case of the proxy usemgr-storage-proxy
For more information, see
mgr-storage-server --help
ormgr-storage-proxy --help
This tool simplifies creating the container storage and database volumes.
Format the command in the following manner:
mgr-storage-server <storage-disk-device> [<database-disk-device>]
For example:
mgr-storage-server /dev/nvme1n1 /dev/nvme2n1
This command will create the following persistent storage volumes at
:For more information, see 永続ストレージボリュームのリスト.
mgradm install podman <FQDN>
as root.