Retail Uyuni Branch Server

This section covers SUSE Manager for Retail Branch Server installation and setup, using these procedures:

  • ソフトウェアチャンネルの追加

  • 同期ステータスの確認

  • クライアントでGPGキーを信頼する

  • Register the Branch Server and Terminals as Clients

The SUSE Manager for Retail Branch Server is a SUSE Manager Proxy with additional Retail features. For proxy installation procedures, see openSUSE Leapを使用したSUSE Managerプロキシのインストール and Uyuniのプロキシの設定.

Then continue with the following sections.

1. ソフトウェアチャンネルの追加

Before you register SUSE Manager branch servers and terminals to your SUSE Manager Server, check that you have the openSUSE product enabled, and the required channels are fully synchronized.


Table 1. openSUSE Channels - CLI
OS Version Base Channel Client Channel Updates Channel Non-OSS Channel Non-OSS Updates Channel Backports Updates Channel SLE Updates Channel

openSUSE Leap 15.4








手順: コマンドプロンプトからのソフトウェアチャンネルの追加
  1. SUSE Manager サーバのコマンドプロンプトで root になり、 spacewalk-common-channels コマンドを特定のチャンネルに対して実行します:

    spacewalk-common-channels \
    <base_channel_name> \
    <child_channel_name_1> \
    <child_channel_name_2> \
    ... <child_channel_name_n>
  2. チャンネルの同期:

    mgr-sync refresh --refresh-channels

2. 同期ステータスの確認

プロシージャ: 同期の進捗状況の確認
  1. SUSE ManagerのWeb UIで、ソフトウェア  管理  チャンネルに移動し、リポジトリに関連付けられているチャンネルをクリックします。

  2. リポジトリ]タブに移動し、[同期]をクリックし、[同期状態]をクリックします。

プロシージャ: コマンドプロンプトから同期の進捗状況を確認する
  1. SUSE Managerサーバのコマンドプロンプトで、rootとして、tailコマンドを使用して同期ログファイルを確認します。

    tail -f /var/log/rhn/reposync/<channel-label>.log
  2. Each child channel generates its own log during the synchronization progress. You will need to check all the base and child channel log files to be sure that the synchronization is complete.

openSUSEチャンネルは非常に大きいことがあります。 同期に数時間かかる場合があります。

3. クライアントでGPGキーを信頼する

By default, some operating systems do not trust the GPG key for the SUSE Manager client tools. The clients can be successfully bootstrapped without the GPG key being trusted. However, you will not be able to install new client tool packages or update them until the keys are trusted.

プロシージャ: クライアントでGPGキーを信頼する
  1. On the SUSE Manager Server, at the command prompt, check the contents of the /srv/www/htdocs/pub/ directory. This directory contains all available public keys. Take a note of the key that applies to the client you are registering.

  2. 関連するブートストラップスクリプトを開き、ORG_GPG_KEY=パラメータを見つけて、必要なキーを追加します。 次に例を示します。

      You do not need to delete any previously stored keys.
    . If you are bootstrapping clients from the {productname} {webui}, you will need to use a Salt state to trust the key.
      Create the Salt state and assign it to the organization.
      You can then use an activation key and configuration channels to deploy the key to the clients.

4. Create Activation Key for a Branch Server and the Retail Terminal Images

The branch server is based on the SUSE Manager Proxy. Its activation key must contain these child channels:

  • openSUSE Leap 15.5 Updates (x86_64)

  • Uyuni Client Tools for openSUSE Leap 15.5 (x86_64)

  • Uyuni Proxy Stable for openSUSE Leap 15.5 (x86_64)

The activation key for retail terminal images based on openSUSE Leap 15.5 must contain these child channels:

  • openSUSE Leap 15.5 Updates (x86_64)

  • Uyuni Client Tools for openSUSE Leap 15.5 (x86_64)

For more information about creating activation keys, see アクティベーションキー.

5. Register the Branch Server and Terminals as Clients

You register both the branch server and the terminals as openSUSE clients. To register your openSUSE clients, you need a bootstrap repository. By default, bootstrap repositories are automatically created, and regenerated daily for all synchronized products. You can manually create the bootstrap repository from the command prompt, using this command:

mgr-create-bootstrap-repo --with-custom-channels


5.1. Register the Branch Server

A retail branch server is registered as an openSUSE proxy. The proxy can be bootstrapped using the Web UI, or at the command prompt. Ensure you use the activation key you created for the proxy.

For more information about proxies, see SUSE Managerプロキシ登録. For more information about activation keys, see アクティベーションキー.

Procedure: Setting Up the Uyuni Proxy
  1. Check that the Uyuni Proxy Stable for openSUSE Leap 15.5 (x86_64) channel is assigned to the proxy on the system profile page.

  2. At the command prompt on the proxy, as root, install the proxy pattern:

    zypper in -t pattern uyuni_proxy
  3. Finalize the proxy setup:
    [command]```` is an interactive script.
    For more information about the proxy setup script, see xref:installation-and-upgrade:uyuni-proxy-setup.adoc#uyuni-proxy-setup-confproxy[].
  4. OPTIONAL: If you want to use the same system also as a build host, navigate to the client’s system profile and check OS Image Build Host as a Add-On System Types.

  5. Configure the proxy to become a branch server. On the SUSE Manager for Retail Server, for example, run:

    retail_branch_init <branch_server_minion_id> --dedicated-nic eth1 \
        --branch-ip \
        --netmask \
        --dyn-range \
        --server-domain \
        --branch-prefix uyuni
    For additional options,  use the [command]``retail_branch_init --help`` command.